Tuesday, May 3, 2016

What does my Prologue video mean?

So in case any of you are even remotely interested in what I have to say, you should know by now that I am working hard on something huge, all un-intended sexual jokes aside. This I felt, would be a nice add on to what's about to be presented. Now, I of course know it might seem kinda boring, but. I just wanted to give you an idea at what's to come, and trust me. There's a LOT to it.

Oddly enough, I just wanted to test how YouTube would attempt to deal with the aspect ratio (which, in case you don't know, is the black lines on the bottom and top, to make it look wide screen) I know it might look a little off. But it just makes it look more cinematic. But, now I know YouTube won't really touch the video frame as long as I don't touch any of those "fix this video" buttons.

So one thing I wanted to make clear is this doesn't spoil anything, this isn't majorly connected to the project. It does have a small connection, but it isn't really spoiling anything. In fact, this I see is more of a small side story. I'm sure most of you will get it when the main video comes out, but for now. Just enjoy this trailer... video thing...