Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Predalian5: Jurassic Rage!!! Incoming Fighter

In case you haven't guessed people, here is the newest addition to Jurassic Rage's fight list. Let me introduce to you, the smartest Dinosaur to walk into the ring since Vastatosaurus, the recently hyped up DNA Improved Dinosaur, Indominus Rex. That's right folks, I Rex will be participating in Jurassic Rage from now on.

This is just a little announcement because people have been bugging me to see if I had made a I Rex stick yet (Since most of my fans already know I have a new stick pack in the works for season 2 of Jurassic Rage) The funny thing is, I didn't originally plan on doing so. There were plenty of sticks out there that were better than mine. But recently I've been thinking of doing a Special Project for Jurassic Park before Jurassic World comes out. I have a policy of not using anyone else's sticks because I want to maintain the focus that I can do all of this myself on my own steam (... if I can) which is why I don't usually work with other animators (Well... it's because of style too. But that's a different discussion for another day) so I made one.

Well, that's pretty much it for now. But before I end this little part, I wanted to talk about something. Could Indominus rex be smarter than Vastatosaurus rex?

We all love Tyrannosaurus. Which is why it's been the main focus of entertainment for quite a bit. Those weren't Giganotosaurus's in Land Before Time! With that said, It'd make sense that the most made up ones are based off of Tyrannosaurus. My favorite has always been Vastatosaurus Rex. A fictional Super evolved Tyrannosaurus that survived extinction to this day. With that being said, I personally think it would win against Indominus. Why? well, here's why.

It's had a good few millions of years to evolve from the already insanely perfect predator Tyrannosaurus. It has a stronger bite force, it's definitely larger than Inaccurate JP3 Spinosaurus, and is super durable (It's been thrown around by King Kong... AND had a boulder larger than it's head CRUSH it's head and it was still alive... AND it was still fighting)

So what does Indominus Rex have? Well it's designed to be larger than T Rex.... not a huge asset considering there are plenty that are already larger. Well it's smart. But I think Vasto might be smarter since it's had 65.5 MILLION YEARS TO EVOLVE!!.. and... Idk.

Well, how does it match up?.... not so good. I'll save the fight for season 2, which SHOULD be after the movie's release, then I'll know what else Indominus has. But aside from being smart, not a lot going for it. Let know what you think

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