Thursday, October 29, 2020

Freelance Art stuff and maybe new content?

Hello, All! Thank you for checking in. Now today I have something rather important to discuss. I might make an update video soon. But, basically. Something is happening to my channel and I might either shut it down or delete everything... Depends on what occurs. It has nothing to do with my Network, they've been nothing but good to me. It's YouTube itself. But anyway. On to the point. For awhile now, I've been doing anime style illustrations. I haven't REALLY posted them online because I didn't feel like they were good enough or for fear of art theft. I have been developing multiple stories since I've been in high school. One such is this character below. Her name's Aura and she's the Goddess of Elements in one of my stories, and is a main character (not THEE main character but... you get the point lol)

The one above is a Work in Progress. But anyway, main point. Due to the current situation of the world and the pandemic being a huge burden on everything. I have had plans of doing freelance stuff online for awhile now. I might just switch to doing this. I love animating but, should that thing go through with my channel... I don't know if I'll have the time to focus on animations anymore. It will all go down at the end of the year and only time will tell. But anyway. Sorry for the long rant. I just wanted to ask 

I want to do more illustrations like this. This is a passion that I enjoy doing just like animation. While animating Dinosaurs is fun. I want to start doing story stuff and progress these characters I've had ideas for, for years now... Would you guys be okay with me showcasing this stuff on my channel instead?

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