Friday, May 23, 2014

Guess who's back!!! (Plus most likely bad news)

That's right! your little warriors are back! Venatosaurus is ready to enter the ring against the king of Dinosaurs. Do they have a chance? well... maybe not. But it'll still be epic. Anyway. I decided to throw them in a video again. Why do you ask? well the other day my computer decided to be unreasonably slow when I was animating and decided that I need to start deleting stuff off of my computer. This resulted in me deleting a bunch of old animations and really old sticks. But when I was looking through animations I should keep I stumbled upon this one. After looking at the first few frames I decided to continue it. Also because, I want to see how well I can animate 5 dinosaurs all at the same time. If I'm going to animate anime then the least I can do is this. After this I will most likely continue the fights that need a part 2 to them. I might even decide to finish other fights I had planned but never got around to. Which brings us to our next paragraph. One most of you probably didn't want to hear. But I have to anyway

So not to long ago (the post before this one) I announced that I'd make a Godzilla promo to rile up fans for Godzilla. But... that didn't go so well seeing as Godzilla suddenly came into theatres. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. "Why not just finish it?" well. I wanted to make the animation before the movie came out so I can at least give you something to look forward to. hell, people probably would've said "It's better because Godzilla is actually the focus of the story!" unlike the movie. But still. I feel like it's unneeded any more and I really don't think it'll be worth it. So I wanted to ask the small portion of my fans who are faithful and read my posts all over the media (FaceBook, Blogger, Twitter, Tumblr, Etc..) do you think I should continue it anyway?

well that's it for today and thanks for reading!

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  1. can you send your giga stickfigure to me through gmail?

  2. it looks like this:

  3. also, if you want to send me it through gmail, here it is... but you don't have to!!!

  4. Can you send me the venatosaurus stick through mediafire?
