Thursday, July 2, 2015

New stick pack?

It's rather unfortunate really... that I decided to give in. I said multiple times that all these extra figures are unnecessary and what did I do? I went and made one. Dammit...

Well. To give it some credit I do like that the arms and legs don't have to be so... out. I never liked that about making sticks. I have to sacrifice accurate looking dinosaurs so they at least "look" right.  But on the bright side, my fans like my old style better. So I may just stick to ONE STICK figurines. But, it'd be a shame to simply throw this away. I have 2 options

1: I make an entirely new stick pack containing stick figures like this


2: I just keep this and make all the parts the same color

I know it'd be easier to go with number 2. But my fans have spoken. Old style rocks. But if it's any conciliation to whomever's reading this, I might do it for season 2 of Jurassic Rage. Next season requires an upgrade after all... hmmm.. Practicing background painting I should make all my fights backgrounds for season 3. Well, we'll see. Depends on how well the channel goes. Other than that, this is currently in Beta Mode. So I won't be giving this out in case any animators are reading this. I'll just give some test footage and all that. See how well it transitions to animation in my style with the backgrounds. Speaking of which:

Next video is done. NOT and animation but I enjoyed making it a lot and I hope you guys will like watching it. So keep an eye on that Subscription tab on YouTube (Also I will update here before releasing)

1 comment:

  1. Please, do a stk pack, or don't, i just want to use ur stks, do you have a download link to the OG or new ones
